

Papua New Guineans portray their rich and artistic culture in personal adornment. They decorate their bodies for celebrations creating an aura or atmosphere associated with such celebrations. They make wonderful use of plumage, fur, feathers, shells, animal teeth and bones. The use of color in painting faces and bodies is striking. The application of ochres, lime, clay and strong pigments produce a kaleidoscope of colors.
Men, whose noses have been pierced, wear a boar’s tusk, a small tube of bamboo or a polished white nose peg. Hallowed out hard-shelled tree seeds are attached to arm or leg bands, or bunched, for use as rattles. Men and women wear a variety of necklaces and pendants.

The Kiwai people, who live on islands in the Fly River delta, are noted for their sea going abilities and interesting dances. Face painting and body ornamentation are common among the people of Papua New Guinea. Song and dance occupy a place of prominence in village life as well as in their Christian ceremonies.
There are 738 dialects in Papua New Guinea with the major languages being Melanesian Pidgin and Hiri Motu.
Due to a border designation that followed the Fly River, people of the same tribe have been separated into Papua New Guinea and Indonesia which has resulted in refugee problems for the diocese. There are approximately 12,000 to 15,000 refugees in the Western Province.
Some villages are located a distance from the Fly River because it floods so far over its banks. Villagers who build close to the river build their huts on pylons high above the muddy river banks. They move frequently due to changes in the course of the river. Life along the Fly River is far from ideal. The Fly flows through wetlands where mosquitos and crocodiles appear to be the most successful inhabitants.

Wild and Virgin Papua Land


I wanna sharing some culture and etniq from my country Indonesia and Im start from east Indonesia Papua Irian Jaya.

The houses of Irian Jaya's Kombai and Korowai people are built as high as 150 feet to see the birds and the mountains and to stop sorcerers from climbing the stairs. The house above is now abandoned. Tree people live in tight-knit clans and hunt game like cassowary, whose meat, bones, and feathers will all be put to good use.

Three brothers relocated their families from the tall house they shared to separate lower ones. They considered the move safe because tensions between them and rival clans had recently been reduced. Roughly cleared land around the new houses is planted in taro, tobacco, sweet potatoes and bananas. In preparation for a feast, a lady had her head shaved by a teenage girl using a razor of split bamboo.

A Korowai hunter armed with specialised arrows for killing birds, fish, reptiles - and humans - searches for the day's food. As the environment is short on sizeable game, success is unlikely, and insects are more commonly eaten than cassowaries. Domestic pigs are reserved for dowries or settling disputes. The lives of the Korowai are hard and their view of the world spare: Humans live in the inner zone; the dead inhabit an outer zone. Beyond lies the great sea where all will perish as the world ends.~Papua Irian Jaya Indonesia~Wish you enjoyed reading about one of etniq in papua Irian Jaya even small but they still there until to day in my big country Indonesia with many different island, culture, etniq and music.


The port city of Jayapura sits on the coast and has a population of around 250,000 including many people from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago. It is not an unattractive city and you will find museums, hotels, an assortment of restaurants, banks and markets for shopping. From Jayapura it is easy to take guided overnight treks to primitive villages and it is a 45-minute flight to Wamena, the main town of the famed Baliem Valley.

Lake Sentani is a famous primitive arts centre. Bark paintings, sago bowls and small-carved items are amongst the local handicrafts found here. Kelly is a private collector of primitive Papuan art and therefore he has the depth of knowledge and connections to ensure that you pay the right price and that all items purchased are genuine.

Treks into most mainland areas require an arrival by flight into the Lake Sentani area located close to the West Papuan capital city of Jayapura. This region is a beautifully dramatic introduction to Papua. A huge wall of vegetation called the Cyclops sits majestically above Lake Sentani and makes for a stunning backdrop to the clear waters.

Lake Sentani in Jayapura Province of Papua Irian Jaya Indonesia


birds of papua


Penghasilan Online dari Squidoo

Apakah Squidoo itu? Squidoo didirikan oleh Seth Godin, seorang marketing guru dan penulis terkenal. Squidoo merupakan layanan internet tak berbayar (FREE) dimana kita sebagai pengguna internet (di Squidoo disebut sebagai "lensmaster") bisa membuat tulisan atau artikel dengan topic tertentu (topic yang anda sukai dan anda ketahui dengan baik tentunya) dan dikemudian hari kita bisa memperoleh penghasilan dari sana.

Jadi seperti kita membuat tulisan di wordpress atau blogger akan tetapi tulisan di Squidoo hanya berupa satu halaman jadi seperti brosur, akan tetapi di setiap halaman Squidoo dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam feature seperti tampilan amazon, tampilan ebay, RSS, comment, Text, links, image, dan lain-lain. Featur-featur itu bisa kita pakai ataupun tidak sesuai dengan keperluan kita.

Google suka sekali denga Squidoo, dan halaman yang kita buat cepat sekali terindex oleh google. Disinlah keuntungan kita menggunakan Squidoo, kita bisa membuat link dari sana ke halaman website kita untuk mendatangkan trafik gratis.

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Kita mendapatkan penghasilan lewat Squidoo melalui dua cara, yaitu dari Iklan dan komisi affiliate.

Penghasilan dari iklan
Halaman yang kita buat di Squidoo (selanjutnya kita sebut sebagai "lens") akan dipasangi iklan oleh pihak managemen Squidoo. Iklan tersebut berasal dari Adsense dan pemasang iklan yang lain, dimana iklan tersebut bisa berdasarkan PPC (payperclick) atau PPL (payperlead). Untuk menghindari adanya "clickfraud" atau klik yang tak sah maka iklan ini akan didistribusikan sesuai dengan skala PayRank lens kita dan jumlah serta kualitas lens yang kita miliki.

Penghasilan dari komisi afiliasi
Kita bisa memberi ruang iklan dari Amazon, eBay, atau CafePress pada halaman lens kita, apabila terdapat visitor yang membeli dari halaman lens kita maka kita akan mendapat pembagian komisi sebesar 50% dari komisi afiliasi tersebut.

Kita tidak perlu mendaftar adsense atau mendaftar afiliasi Amazon, eBay, atau CafePress untuk memperoleh penghasilan tersebut sebab semuanya sudah otomatis disediakan oleh pihak managemen Squidoo. Jadi yang kita lakukan adalah tinggal mendaftar dan membuat tulisan kita. Mudah bukan?
Oh ya satu Lagi pembayaran kita bisa dilakukan lewat Paypal

Panduan Mendaftar Squidoo
Step by step cara membuat akun di Squidoo
Sekarang saatnya anda membuat akun di squidoo, ikutilah petunjuk dibawah ini:

1. kunjungi Squidoo
2. Klik tombol "Sign Up" yang terletak di sebalah kanan atas.

Pada waktu anda akan membuat akun di squidoo maka anda diwajibkan untuk membuat halaman squidoo anda yang pertama (atau disebut juga lens) apabila anda saat ini belum ada ide maka isikan terserah di kotak "my lens is about" sebab halaman ini bisa di "delete" mari kita isikan "review cara membuat kue brownis.

step 1:

step 2
centang pada pilihan pertama

step 3
pengisian pada step yang pertamna akan langsung menjadi "title" lens kita, kemudian isikan URL yang anda inginkan pada kotak:


jika anda menulis "caramembuatbrownies" maka otomatis alamat url lens anda adalah


hati-hati memilih alamat ini sebab hal ini tidak dapat diganti.

setelah itu pilih kategori yang paling cocok dengan topik anda dan terakhir pilih "Rate" lens anda. Untuk artikel yang bisa dibaca kalangan umum (baik anak-anak sampai orang dewasa pilih " G rated material"

step 4
isikan 3 tags tambahan anda, jadi bila judul lens anda adalah "review cara membuat brownies" maka tambahan 3 tags yang saya isikan adalah:(contoh)

- step by step membuat brownies
- bagaimana membuat brownies
- brownies kukus

sampai disini selesai sudah anda membuat akun di squidoo, dan step selanjutnya adalah tinggal membuat mengisi lens anda.

Bagian-bagian Lens
Mengenal penyusun lens

Setelah anda melakukan step 4 diatas maka anda akan dibawa ke bagian seperti gambar dibawah ini. Di halaman inilah anda menyususn lens anda. Lens di susun dari bagian-bagian yang disebut "module" seperti gambar di bawah yang tampak adalah module introduction, RSS, amazon, tex/write module, dan module flickr.

anda bisa mengedit module dengan tombol no 1 (lihat anak panah 1)

anda bisa menghapus module yang tidak anda inginkan dengan tombol 2 (lihat anak panah 2)

anda bisa menggeser kedudukan module (merubah urutan modul dengan memakai tombol 3 (lihat anak panah 3)

anda bisa menambah module dengan cara mengklik tombol "add/delete module" yang letaknya paling bawah sendiri

dan jangan lupa setelah menulis tekan tombol "publish" supaya artikel anda online

Dan Selesai deh!

Daftar Squidoo Disini


10 Pedoman dalam Menerapkan Defensive Driving

Banyak faktor penentu keselamatan berkendara. Di tengah lalulintas yang seringkali semrawut, plus disiplin pengendara lain yang masih minim, mengambil sikap “bertahan” menjadi pilihan yang jauh lebih aman. Karena itulah kita musti menerapkan defensive driving. Sedikit berbeda dengan safety driving yang lebih mengarah ke kemampuan atau skill berkendara, defensive driving justru lebih mengarah ke pola sikap, mental serta perilaku kita.

Bagaimanakah menerapkan defensive driving? Berikut ini 10 pedoman yang harus kita camkan karena seringkali menimpa pengendara yang tidak menerapkannya.

1. Jangan pernah lengah. Berkendara memang harus rileks, tetapi harus selalu waspada. Monitor terus kendaraan dan objek-objek di sekitar Anda. Tidak hanya yang jauh di depan, pantau juga yang di belakang, kiri dan kanan melalui kaca-kaca spion.

2. Patuhi marka jalan dan traffic light. Sesuaikan laju mobil Anda dengan informasi yang terpampang di tepi jalan. Dan hati-hati saat melintasi persimpangan. Bila lampu merah menyala, tak usah menerobos. Berhentilah di belakang garis putih.

3. Jangan terpancing pengendara ugal-ugalan. Jika bertemu dengan pengendara ugal-ugalan, lebih baik mengalah. Biarkan mereka lewat lebih dulu, karena yang paling mengerikan adalah kita tidak tahu bagaimana kondisi si pengendara. Jangan-jangan, dia sedang emosi, atau bahkan sedang mabuk.

4. Jangan emosi. Seandainya pun ada yang nyalip, atau seseorang tiba-tiba membunyikan klakson berkali-kali, tetaplah tenang. Ada berjuta-juta alasan yang bisa Anda cari untuk tidak marah dan menghindari bahaya yang mengintai keselamatan Anda sendiri.

5. Jangan percaya pada pengendara lain. Meskipun pada dasarnya semua pengendara ingin selamat, sebaiknya jangan percaya bahwa mereka juga akan menjamin keselamatan kita. Tetaplah bersikap hati-hati.

6. Gunakan safety belt. Tak usah khawatir kemeja atau celana menjadi kusut akibat tertekan safety belt. Yang harus kita pikirkan, perangkat yang mungkin mengurangi kerapihan pakaian kita ini akan membuat kita selamat dan tetap hidup saat terjadi kecelakaan. Bagi pengendara sepeda motor, gunakan helm dengan benar.

7. Gunakan lampu sign untuk komunikasi pada sesama pengendara. Pastikan cahayanya terang. Jika akan berbelok, sama sekali tidak sulit untuk menyalakan lampu sign agar pengendara lain tahu Anda akan berbelok.

8. Singkirkan benda-benda yang berpotensi mengganggu konsentrasi berkendara. Kewaspadaan juga harus kita bangun dengan menciptaan lingkungan yang membantu konsentrasi berkendara. Bahkan, bila ada telpon masuk handphone saat Anda tengah mengemudi, tidak perlu diangkat dulu karena bisa mengganggu konsentrasi.

9. Jangan minum minuman memabukkan. Karena kesadaran sangat penting, hindari minum-minuman memabukkan. Bahkan, jika minum obat yang menimbulkan kantuk, sebaiknya kita tidak berkendara.

10. Lebih baik menunggu kereta lewat. Ini biasa terjadi di persimpangan lintasan kereta. Banyak pengendara menduga-duga kereta masih jauh ketika sinyal tanda kereta akan lewat sudah berbunyi. Menunggu beberapa menit jauh lebih baik. (Source : AstraWord)

Waspadai Mesin Tak Stabil Saat Idle

Konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang boros bukan hanya disebabkan oleh gaya berkendara yang tidak tepat, jalan macet, melainkan juga bisa dipengaruhi dari setingan mesin kendaraan kita. Terutama dari pengaturan campuran bahan bakar dan udara yang kurang pas. Bisa jadi, pengaturan perbandingan bahan bakar mesin tidak tepat sehingga membuat campuran menjadi “gemuk”. Disebut “gemuk” karena pasokan bahan bakar ke ruang bakar lebih besar dari yang dibutuhkan.

Itu sebabnya, pengaturan campuran udara dan bahan bakar mempengaruhi boros tidaknya konsumsi bbm. Nah, untuk mengetahui pas atau tidaknya pengaturan tersebut, caranya sangat mudah. Salah satunya dapat kita deteksi ketika mesin dalam posisi idle. Jika RPM mesin turun naik, ini pertanda pengaturan perbandingan bahan bakar dan udara yang kurang pas. Seharusnya, setelah kunci kontak diputar ke posisi START dan mesin hidup, RPM tetap stabil saat pedal gas kita diamkan.

Karena itu, waspadai mesin yang tidak stabil dalam posisi idle. Selain mengakibatkan konsumsi yang lebih boros, sangat mungkin mesin tiba-tiba mati saat mobil tengah kita pacu di tengah di jalan.

Cara mengetahui pengaturan campuran bahan bakar dan udara yang kurang pas dengan metode lebih sederhana adalah melalui uji emisi gas buang. Coba saja ikuti kegiatan uji emisi gratis yang sering AstraWorld adakan melalui program Save Our World. Bila pada kertas hasil test tertera kadar HC dan CO yang terlalu tinggi, berarti bahan bakar yang masuk ke ruang bakar terlalu besar daripada yang dibutuhkan akibat pengaturan yang tidak pas.

Solusinya sederhana. Tinggal mengatur kembali perbandingan campuran bahan bakar dan udara di kendaraan. Setiap melakukan servis rutin di bengkel pun biasanya mekanik melakukan pemeriksaan dan penyetelan rasio bahan bakar dan udara yang terbakar atau sering disebut setel CO.

Meskipun demikian, bukan tak mungkin bila penyetelan sudah pas tetapi pembakaran bbm tetap tidak sempurna. Untuk memastikannya, lakukanlah pemeriksaan throttle body. Kemungkinan besar komponen tempat mengalirnya udara ini kotor dan mengganggu kelancaran aliran udara ke ruang bakar.

Selain itu, periksa juga sistem pengapiannya. Barangkali ada busi yang sudah mati, coil sudah aus atau tahanan-tahanan pada kabel busi pengapian terlalu tinggi. (Source : AstraWorld )

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Buka Firefox kamu, ketik, “about:config” di Addresse bar (URL) trus ENTER.

Klik 2x di settingan dan masukin angka-angka ini – untuk true / false booleans – mereka bakal ganti otomatis begitu klik 2x

Ganti kode:

  1. browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs = true
  2. network.http.max-connections = 64
  3. network.http.max-connections-per-server = 20
  4. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy = 10
  5. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 4
  6. network.http.pipelining = true
  7. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 100
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  9. network.http.request.timeout = 300
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  11. network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0

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2.Utk angka klik kanan>new>integer>set angka sesuai dengan parameters yang dibuat (ngerti kan?)

Restart mozilla.

Sekarang Bedakan kecepatannya…… firefox sudah jd fireghost

Masih ada setinggan yg terakhir….

Buka Firefox………ketik “about:config” (enter)

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Klik 2x buat merubah jadi ‘true’ trus restart Firefox lg.


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Pasang Video Clip di Blogger (Youtube dan Google Video)

Untuk menampilkan video clip di postingan maupun di element halaman caranya sangat mudah, saya akan mengajarkan bagaimana kamu bisa menampilkan Video Clip dari youtube atau Google Video Tidak banyak yang perlu saya jelaskan, pada intinya kamu hanya mencari kode dari kedua layanan Video diatas kemudian melakukan Copy-Paste dengan mudah.

Kode Video di Youtube:

Ketika kamu menemukan salah satu video di youtube kemudian disebelah kanan video kamu akan menemukan kode yang bisa kamu Copy-paste. perhatikan gambar dibawah agar lebih mudah.

Kode Video di Google Video:

Hampir Sama dengan Youtube, ketika menemukan salah satu Video di Google Video kamu tinggal klik saja link Embed kemudian akan tampil kode yang siap kamu copy paste ke blog-mu.

Bagaimana memasang kodenya di blog?

Jika ingin menampilkan video di halaman postingan kamu tinggal Copy-Paste saja codenya, sedangkan jika ingin menampikan di element halaman lain, tinggal klik Add a Page Element lalu pilih HTML/JavaScript kemudian dengan cara yang sama tinggal Copy-Paste dan jangan lupa simpan.

Lupa Password Blogger?

Apa yang terjadi ketika login ke blogger namun lupa password blogger dan nama user? pasti kita akan panik setengah mati. padahal sudah berusaha mencoba berbagai katakunci namun hasilnya tetap saja nihil, ups sabar-sabar jangan panik pasti ada solusinya. pengen tau caranya lihat dibawah ini.

Cara mendapatkan kembali passoword dan user name di blogger:

2. Ada dua pilihan untuk mendapatkan kembali password dan username, disini saya hanya menjelaskan cara pertama yaitu menggunakan alamat url blogger/blogspot.
3. Langkah selanjutnya kita tinggal ikuti instruksi yang ada (karena menggunakan bahasa indonesia saya tidak menjelaskan caranya secara mendetail, saya yakin kalian semua pasti bisa)

Catatan: Informasi alamat url blog akan dikirim kealamat email (gmail), jika dalam beberapa waktu informasi tidak muncul dalam inbox, coba cek di folder spam. Nah pada email yang diterima kita akan melihat beberapa informasi penting, diantaranya jika kita lupa nama sandinya tinggal klik link dibawah kalimat "Apabila lupa sandi Anda, Anda dapat me-reset dengan meng-klik link ini:" kemudian akan muncul halaman bantuan password, masukan kode verifikasi sesuai dalam gambar, kemudian klik "dapatkan kembali password". hal yang harus diperhatikan bahwa informasi password akan dikirim ke alamat email sekunder ketika pertama kali mendaftar.

Semoga bermanfaat, happy blogging :)


Template Gratis dari Flashmo.Com

Sudah lama juga nih nggak pernah ngereview situs lagi, namun pada kesempatan ini saya akan mencoba mereview sebuah situs menarik. Anda suka dengan Flash? Anda ingin membuat website dengan Flash tapi malas membuat sendiri? Tidak usah khwatir, silakan kunjungi saja situs http://www.flashmo.com/. Kenapa? Sebab situs ini menyediakan banyak sekali template Flash yang menarik, asyiknya template-template tersebut bisa kita unduh atau download secara gratis, namun jika berkenan Anda juga bisa memberikan donasi pada situs ini. Kalau mau yang lebih dashyat lagi tentunya disediakan juga yang Template Premium(berbayar). Selain template flash situs ini juga menyediakan css template serta flash intro, yang bisa digunakan sebagai pembuka halaman situs Anda. Menarik bukan? Silakan kunjungi alamat situs situsnya di http://www.flashmo.com/.


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eBook Ilmu Hitam Adsense

google_adsense_logo_350 Hari gini siapa sih yang tidak mau duit? Tentu Anda setuju kalau kita semua memang butuh duit, termasuk saya saat menulis postingan ini, yang ada dalam pikiran dollar melulu $$$$$$(he he he just joke ^^).
Bagi Anda yang sudah malang melintang di dunia Adsense tentu tahu banyak soal Adsense, sehingga bisa menghasilkan puluhan bahkan mungkin ratusan dollar tiap bulannya. Lantas, bagaimana dengan pemula yang baru nyebur di got dunia Adsense?

Cara duit di internet memang gampang-gampang susah, banyak orang yang berpikir kalau cari duit di internet itu gampang. Memang benar demikian, tentunya semua itu tidak semudah membalikan telapak kaki tangan bukan? Semua itu perlu usaha dari kita juga agar membuahkan hasil. Dan tentunya diperlukan teknik-teknik jitu agar hasilnya lebih optimal. Bagi Anda yang ingin mempelajari teknik-teknik Adsense mungkin eBook ini bisa berguna. eBook yang berjudul Adsense Black Hat Edition ini akan mengupas berbagai teknik adsense yang keren pokoknya. Silakan klik disini untuk mendownloadnya. Semoga bisa membantu dan bermanfaat

4 Trik Jitu Untuk Meningkatkan (Menurunkan) Alexa Traffic Rank

logotrafficRankings Memiliki ranking yang paling kecil di Alexa tentu menjadi dambaan bagi para pemiliki blog, hal ini terkadang menjadi tolak ukur bahwa web tersebut ramai oleh pengunjung. Bagi Anda yang masih memiliki ranking Alexa berjuta-juta tidak usah minder atau berniat bunuh diri lalat, sebab para pemiliki ranking Alexa yang kecil juga tidak dengan begitu saja mendapatkannya. Dibutuhkan waktu, strategi trik dan kerja keras untuk mencapai semua itu.

Memiliki rangking yang kecil di Alexa tentunya akan memberikan keuntungan bagi pemilikinya, sebab ada beberapa bisnis online yang berpatokan pada Alexa traffic rank, semakin kecil yang income yang di dapat juga akan besar. Selain itu, tidak menutup kemungkinan perusahan atau pemiliki bisnis memasang iklan di blog yang dimiliki. Bukankah itu sungguh menarik?

ff_screenshot Ada beberapa teman dan juga pembaca yang sering bertanya kepada saya, bagaimana sebearnya cara yang mujarab untuk menaikan menurunkan rangking Alexa.

Nah, beberapa trik yang bisa digunakan untuk menaikan menurunkan ranking Alexa adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Selalu rajin mengupdate isi blog Anda, terutama dengan kontent-kontent yang menarik dan di butuhkan orang, misalnya seperti tip dan trik. Ingat, para pengguna blog terutama yang baru bergabung kebanyakan akan mencari tip dan trik mengenai blog untuk menghias blognya.
  2. Buatlah postingan yang di lengkapi dengan gambar, terutama jika isinya berupa tutorial. Tentu pengunjung akan merasa terbantu dari tutorial yang Anda buat dan tidak akan kapok berkunjung.
  3. Rajin-rajinlah melakukan blog walking, berikan komentar yang baik pada blog yang Anda kunjungi. Jika perlu Anda bisa memberikan suatu solusi untuk pemecahan masalah, jika dalam blog yang Anda kunjungi tersebut terdapat postingan yang tidak terlesaikan solusinya.
  4. Lakukan pertukaran link, terutama dengan blog yang pengunjungnya sudah ramai atau memiliki trafik tinggi.
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  6. Bergabunglah dengan beberapa blog katalog terkenal, seperti blog catalog, blogtoplist, blograma dan masih banyak lagi.
  7. Bergabunglah dengan social bookmarking, sedikit banyak akan membantu untuk menjaring pengunjung,
  8. Pasang widget Alexa pada blog yang dimiliki(sudah tentu dong ^^).
  9. Buatlah postingan yang membahas mengenai Alexa Rank, seperti yang saya buat ini. Rata-rata pemilik blog akan mengetikan kata kunci “trik/tips meningkatkan traffic Alexa Rank” ketika mengalami kesulitan dalam meningkatkan traffic Alexa.
  10. Desainlah web Anda dengan semenarik mungkin, sehingga pengunjung blog akan ‘rindu atau kangen band‘ untuk melihat kembali tampilan situs Anda yang menarik.
  11. Jika ada pertanyaan atau komentar lakukanlah moderasi(di jawab maksudnya), dengan demikian pengunjung akan merasa di perhatikan oleh pemilik blog dan tidak akan kapok berkunjung kembai ke blog yang Anda miliki.
  12. Pasanglah widget untuk berlangganan artikel, tentunya jika ada postingan menarik penerima artikel tersebut akan berkunjung ke blog Anda.
  13. Lakukan promisi di jejaring sosial, seperti di Friendster, Plurk, Facebook, Multiply,terutama mengenai blog Anda.
  14. Berdoa kepada Tuhan dan minta ampunannya, selalu berharap agar ranking Alexa menjadi lebih kecil(ini penting nih, jangan sampai terlewatkan).

Jika Anda memiliki saran atau trik silakan tambahkan ya, semoga trik di atas bisa membantu. Ingat! jangan terambisi dengan Alexa, hal utama yang mendasar dalam ngeblog adalah content. buatlah content yang menarik dan bermanfaat.

Good Debt vs Bad Debt

I was thinking lately about the Good Debt idea that Robert Kiyosaki talks about in Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

It's been a few years since I read it (which is a great book by the way), but he gave a specific example of how he took out a loan for something like a million dollars, then used the loan to buy and renovate an apartment complex, which then made enough money over the next few years to totally pay off the loan itself. The apartment complex actually brought in more monthly income than the monthly loan payments, so essentially he borrowed money to make more money.

I thought this was really cool. In essence, he borrowed cash so that he could purchase an asset, which is something that literally generates cash itself. Then after the loan was paid off, all of the generated cash was pure income.

Any SBI'ers in here can appreciate this story, as in the SBI forum there are always people selling sites that they no longer want. Sometimes you will see a really great deal, too. In the last week I was considering buying a website that was under-monetized and still making $60/month in income for only $1000. I was confident that if monetized correctly, it could make at least $100/month or more. I ended up not purchasing it because I thought I would need the $1000 to help pay for the Ignition program which I talk about in a different thread (I ended up getting it for free).

I just wanted to say that we don't need a loan of $1,000,000 to apply "good debt" principles to ourselves. If you are web-savvy and online business-savvy, you can start using "good debt" to buy assets even with as little as $1000.

How to be As Rich As Bill Gates

As a graduate student in computer science at MIT earning a $1600/month research stipend, I feel amply qualified to instruct the entire Internet on the art of becoming as rich as Bill Gates (check the Wealth Clock to see how much he has right now). I get my confidence from Dr. Leo Buscaglia, author of Love, Born for Love : Reflections on Loving, Living, Loving and Learning, and Bus 9 to Paradise. Dr. Buscaglia, our nation's most prominent lecturer on the subject of love, turns out to be divorced ("it was a very loving divorce").

Lesson 1: Choose Your Grandparents Carefully

Sequoia National Park, California
"There are three ways to make money. You can inherit it. You can marry it. You can steal it."
-- conventional wisdom in Italy
William Henry Gates III made his best decision on October 28, 1955, the night he was born. He chose J.W. Maxwell as his great-grandfather. Maxwell founded Seattle's National City Bank in 1906. His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William (Bill) Henry Gates III.

In some of the later lessons, you will be encouraged to take entrepreneurial risks. You may find it comforting to remember that at any time you can fall back on a trust fund worth many millions of 1998 dollars.

Lesson 2: Choose Your Parents Carefully

Redwood.  King's Canyon National Park, California.
"A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $1.37. Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."
William Henry Gates, Jr. and Mary Maxwell were among Seattle's social and financial elite. Bill Gates, Jr. was a prominent corporate lawyer while Mary Maxwell was a board member of First Interstate Bank and Pacific Northwest Bell. She was also on the national board of United Way, along with John Opel, the chief executive officer of IBM who approved the inclusion of MS/DOS with the original IBM PC.

Remind your parents not to send you to public school. Bill Gates went to Lakeside, Seattle's most exclusive prep school where tuition in 1967 was $5,000 (Harvard tuition that year was $1760). Typical classmates included the McCaw brothers, who sold the cellular phone licenses they obtained from the U.S. Government to AT&T for $11.5 billion in 1994. When the kids there wanted to use a computer, they got their moms to hold a rummage sale and raise $3,000 to buy time on a DEC PDP-10, the same machine used by computer science researchers at Stanford and MIT.

Note: Recall that in the 1980s we venerated Donald Trump and studied his "art of the deal". If Donald Trump had taken the millions he inherited from his father and put it all into mutual funds, you'd never have had to suffer through one of his books. But he'd be just about as rich today.

Lesson 3: Acquire Research Results by Hiring and Buying

Cows and Church.  Tingstade (northern Gotland). Conventional (loser) economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research because they are in a position to capture the fruits of the research. But if you want to become as rich as Bill Gates, you have to remember that it is cheaper to wait for a small company to come up with something good and then buy them. In the old days, antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors. But not anymore. When Microsoft products were threatened by network computers and Web-based applications, they simply bought WebTV and Hotmail.

Another good strategy is to hire the right people. Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PARC. So Xerox paid for the research; Microsoft paid only for development.

In the long run a tech company without research probably can't sustain its market leadership. So you'll eventually need to build something like research.microsoft.com (check out netscan.research.microsoft.com to see some interesting online community research).

Lesson 4: Let Other People Do the Programming

South Island, New Zealand If you're a great engineer, it can be frustrating to rely on other people to translate your ideas into reality. However, keep in mind that the entire Indian subcontinent is learning Java. And that if Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and Sun products simply worked and worked simply, half of the world's current IT workers would be out of a job. You're not going to get rich being "just a coder." Especially working in painful low-level imperative languages such as C or Java. It might be worth writing your own SQL queries and HTML pages since these tend to be compact and easier than precisely specifying the work for another person to do. But basically you need to get good at thinking about whether a piece of software is doing something useful for the adopting organization and end-user. Bill Gates does code reviews, not coding.

[If you aren't sure that you need to be filthy rich and like to do some coding, see this old misguided article for more about what it might mean to be a great software engineer.]

Lesson 5: Train your new CEO

Garden. Getty Center.  Los Angeles, California. If you're an intelligent curious person it can be painful to run a company of more than 50 people. You spend more time than you'd like repeating yourself, sitting in boring meetings, skimming over long legal documents in which you know there are errors but aren't sure how serious, etc. The temptation is to hand over the reins to the first "professional manager" who comes along. And that's what the standard venture capitalist formula dictates. But Bill Gates didn't do that. He hired Steve Ballmer in 1980 and gave him the CEO job 20 years later. Making money in the software products business requires domain expertise and a commitment to solving problems within that domain. Great tech companies are seldom built by non-technical management or professional managers who aren't committed to anything more than their paycheck. Adobe is another good example. The two founders were PhD computer science researchers from Xerox PARC who were passionate about solving problems in the publishing and graphics world. They are still guiding operations at Adobe.

Note that this is a principle that Old Economy companies have long understood. Jack Welch joined GE in 1961 and became CEO 20 years later. Sometimes an Old Economy company may pull in a few outsiders to senior positions but, because they have such stable bureaucracies underneath, they can more easily afford this than startups.

See Charles Ferguson's High Stakes, No Prisoners (1999) for a longer explanation of how hired-gun CEOs manage to kill software products companies.

Lesson 6: Focus on Profit

"At Hewlett-Packard, people, materials, facilities, money, and time are the resources available to us for conducting our business. By applying our skills, we turn these resources into useful products and services. If we do a good job, customers pay us more for our products than the sum of our costs in producing and distributing them. This difference, our profit, represents the value we add to the resources we utilize."
-- David Packard in The HP Way
Remembering to make a profit was tough in the dotcom 1990s but it turns out that Hewlett and Packard's ideas were right. Most of the management teams at dotcom businesses, by being disorganized, unintelligent, and ignorant, were subtracting value from the resources that they controlled.

How does one make money in the software products business? Simple. The necessary step is to build something that becomes part of information systems that generate value for organizations and end-users. Once you've created value you can extract a portion in lots of ways. You can be closed-source and charge a license fee. You can be open-source and charge for training, service, support, and extensions. But if you aren't getting your software product into important information systems, you don't have a prayer, no matter how slick your marketing materials.

If you're creative and diligent the software products business is extremely lucrative. If you're losing money, ask yourself what you're doing wrong. The answer is probably "plenty".

Lesson 7: Let the Venture Capitalists Schmooze Wall Street ...

... but don't let them run your company. A profitable Microsoft Corporation brought in venture capitalists (VCs) at the last minute. They didn't need or spend the money but used the VCs to boost their valuation at the initial public offering, thus getting more money for the shares that they sold. Venture capitalists are dangerous because even the most successful might not know anything about business. Remember that there are tens of thousands of venture capitalists in this world. Assuming that they make random choices of companies in which to invest there will be a Gaussian curve of performance. Some firms will do consistently better than average even if everyone is guessing. Imagine that thousands of monkeys are flipping coins; some of the monkeys will get 10 heads in a row. These are the monkeys that will be celebrated for their insight. These are the monkeys whose track records will lead to uncritical cheerleading by underwriters and public investors. In bull markets such as we had in the 1990s nearly all the monkeys will be fairly consistent winners. But remember your next-door neighbor who made money in the stock market in 1985. He convinced himself that he had special insight and ability when actually he was only holding high-beta stocks in a rising market. So his foray into the commodities futures market wiped him out in the crash of '87.

Bottom line: successful software products companies spend most of their time listening to their customers and users rather than to venture capitalists.

[See "Money, Money, Money (and Investing)" for how the Gaussian curve works for mutual fund managers and also read Princeton Professor Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street.]

Lesson 8: Self-Esteem is Not Job 1

Gentility, politesse, decorum, and high self-esteem are wonderful. You can achieve all of these things within your organization. And then watch it be destroyed by competitors where frank and, if necessary, harsh criticism is encouraged. Technical people, even (and especially) those fresh out of school are always convinced that whatever they've developed, no matter how hare-brained, is perfect. It takes a technical person with good judgement to notice the flaws and it may require repeated and increasingly harsh delivery for the, uh, pinhead to realize his or her mistake.

Example: I once encountered a group of 6 people who called themselves "engineers." To solve what they thought was a new problem, they were going to build their own little database management system with their own query language that was SQL-like without being SQL. I pointed them to some published research by a gang of PhD computer scientists from IBM Almaden, the same lab that developed the RDBMS and SQL to begin with in the 1970s. The research had been done over a five-year period and yet they hadn't become aware of it during several months of planning. I pointed them to the SQL-99 standard wherein this IBM research approach of augmenting a standard RDBMS to solve the problem they were attacking was becoming an ISO standard. They ignored it and spent another few months trying to build their enormously complex architecture. Exasperated, I got a kid fresh out of school to code up some Java stored procedures to run inside Oracle. After a week he had his system working and ready for open-source release, something that the team of 6 "engineers" hadn't been able to accomplish in 6 months of full-time work. Yet they never accepted that they were going about things in the wrong way though eventually they did give up on the project.

An 1994 New Yorker article about Microsoft relates "If he strongly disagrees with what you're saying, [Gates] is in the habit of blurting out, 'That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard!'". Jennifer New, a former Microsoft contractor, writes "Meetings with Bill or one of his top people are often replete with a barrage of expletives and other disdainful comments." (Salon, September 1997) My friends who work or have worked at Microsoft tell similar tales. But how different is this from other elite organizations?

When I arrived at MIT as a first-year graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science, I asked a professor for help with a research problem. He said "The reason that you've having trouble is that you don't know anything and you're not working very hard." A friend of mine was a surgery resident at Johns Hopkins. He complained to one of his teachers that he was having trouble concentrating because he'd been up all night for several nights in a row. The professor replied "Oh... does your pussy hurt?" According to Business Week, Jack Welch "encouraged near-brutal candor in the meetings he held [at GE]".

The bottom line: self-esteem is great but beware of creating a cozy home for unproductive people with bad ideas.


Plato addresses some of these issues in the first book of The Republic (available online from www.gutenberg.net). Socrates asserts that people who've inherited fortunes tend to be light with their money but that people who've made their fortunes "have a second love of money as a creation of their own, resembling the affection of authors for their own poems, or of parents for their children, besides that natural love of it for the sake of use and profit which is common to them and all men. And hence they are very bad company, for they can talk about nothing but the praises of wealth."

Socrates asks Cephalus, a wealthy old man, "What do you consider to be the greatest blessing which you have reaped from your wealth?" Cephalus replies that "The great blessing of riches, I do not say to every man, but to a good man, is, that he has had no occasion to deceive or to defraud others, either intentionally or unintentionally."

In the Decameron, Boccaccio writes "If you really want to make the big bucks, what you really need is a monopoly on the desktop operating system. But the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 and 2, and Clayton Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. § 25, are real bitches."


"Ramadhan Kedua" di Depan Mata

"Ramadhan Kedua" di Depan Mata

Diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari, dari Ibnu 'Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma bahwa Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

"Tidak ada hari di mana amal shalih pada saat itu lebih dicintai oleh Allah daripada hari-hari ini, yaitu : Sepuluh hari dari bulan Dzulhijjah. Mereka bertanya : Ya Rasulullah, tidak juga jihad fi sabilillah ?. Beliau menjawab : Tidak juga jihad fi sabilillah, kecuali orang yang keluar (berjihad) dengan jiwa dan hartanya, kemudian tidak kembali dengan sesuatu apapun".

Klo pake tanggalan situs saya, 2 hari lagi (tgl 18 nov) mulai, lho...

Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah rahimahullah menyatakan, "Sepuluh hari (pertama) Dzul Hijjah lebih utama daripada sepuluh hari terakhir di bulan Ramadhan. Dan sepuluh malam terakhir dari bulan Ramadhan lebih utama dari sepuluh malam (pertama) bulan Dzul Hijjah." (Majmu Fatawa Ibnu Taimiyyah)

Muridnya, Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah juga menyatakan," Ini menunjukkan bahwa sepuluh malam terakhir dari bulan Ramadhan menjadi lebih utama karena adanya Laitatul Qadr, dan Lailatul Qadr ini merupakan bagian dari waktu-waktu malamnya, sedangkan sepuluh hari (pertama) Dzul Hijjah menjadi lebih utama karena hari-harinya (siangnya), karena didalamnya terdapat yaumun Nahr (hari berkurban), hari `Arafah dan hari Tarwiyah (hari ke delapan Dzulhijjah). (Zadul Maa'ad)

So, we know what we have to do, right?

Artikel seputar dzulhijjah ada di sini
http://muqorrobin. multiply. com/tag/dzulhijj ah ;)

Allahumma a'inna 'alaa dzikrika wa syukrika wa husni 'ibaadatik
Ya Allah tolonglah kami dalam berdzikir kepadaMu, bersyukur kepadaMu, dan beribadah dengan baik kepadaMu.

Doubt of a Little Camel

Doubt of a Little Camel

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