

Papua New Guineans portray their rich and artistic culture in personal adornment. They decorate their bodies for celebrations creating an aura or atmosphere associated with such celebrations. They make wonderful use of plumage, fur, feathers, shells, animal teeth and bones. The use of color in painting faces and bodies is striking. The application of ochres, lime, clay and strong pigments produce a kaleidoscope of colors.
Men, whose noses have been pierced, wear a boar’s tusk, a small tube of bamboo or a polished white nose peg. Hallowed out hard-shelled tree seeds are attached to arm or leg bands, or bunched, for use as rattles. Men and women wear a variety of necklaces and pendants.

The Kiwai people, who live on islands in the Fly River delta, are noted for their sea going abilities and interesting dances. Face painting and body ornamentation are common among the people of Papua New Guinea. Song and dance occupy a place of prominence in village life as well as in their Christian ceremonies.
There are 738 dialects in Papua New Guinea with the major languages being Melanesian Pidgin and Hiri Motu.
Due to a border designation that followed the Fly River, people of the same tribe have been separated into Papua New Guinea and Indonesia which has resulted in refugee problems for the diocese. There are approximately 12,000 to 15,000 refugees in the Western Province.
Some villages are located a distance from the Fly River because it floods so far over its banks. Villagers who build close to the river build their huts on pylons high above the muddy river banks. They move frequently due to changes in the course of the river. Life along the Fly River is far from ideal. The Fly flows through wetlands where mosquitos and crocodiles appear to be the most successful inhabitants.

Wild and Virgin Papua Land


I wanna sharing some culture and etniq from my country Indonesia and Im start from east Indonesia Papua Irian Jaya.

The houses of Irian Jaya's Kombai and Korowai people are built as high as 150 feet to see the birds and the mountains and to stop sorcerers from climbing the stairs. The house above is now abandoned. Tree people live in tight-knit clans and hunt game like cassowary, whose meat, bones, and feathers will all be put to good use.

Three brothers relocated their families from the tall house they shared to separate lower ones. They considered the move safe because tensions between them and rival clans had recently been reduced. Roughly cleared land around the new houses is planted in taro, tobacco, sweet potatoes and bananas. In preparation for a feast, a lady had her head shaved by a teenage girl using a razor of split bamboo.

A Korowai hunter armed with specialised arrows for killing birds, fish, reptiles - and humans - searches for the day's food. As the environment is short on sizeable game, success is unlikely, and insects are more commonly eaten than cassowaries. Domestic pigs are reserved for dowries or settling disputes. The lives of the Korowai are hard and their view of the world spare: Humans live in the inner zone; the dead inhabit an outer zone. Beyond lies the great sea where all will perish as the world ends.~Papua Irian Jaya Indonesia~Wish you enjoyed reading about one of etniq in papua Irian Jaya even small but they still there until to day in my big country Indonesia with many different island, culture, etniq and music.


The port city of Jayapura sits on the coast and has a population of around 250,000 including many people from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago. It is not an unattractive city and you will find museums, hotels, an assortment of restaurants, banks and markets for shopping. From Jayapura it is easy to take guided overnight treks to primitive villages and it is a 45-minute flight to Wamena, the main town of the famed Baliem Valley.

Lake Sentani is a famous primitive arts centre. Bark paintings, sago bowls and small-carved items are amongst the local handicrafts found here. Kelly is a private collector of primitive Papuan art and therefore he has the depth of knowledge and connections to ensure that you pay the right price and that all items purchased are genuine.

Treks into most mainland areas require an arrival by flight into the Lake Sentani area located close to the West Papuan capital city of Jayapura. This region is a beautifully dramatic introduction to Papua. A huge wall of vegetation called the Cyclops sits majestically above Lake Sentani and makes for a stunning backdrop to the clear waters.

Lake Sentani in Jayapura Province of Papua Irian Jaya Indonesia


birds of papua


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